West Mesquite High School Marching Band Semi Equipment Trailer with Side Staircase and 2nd Floor

We strive to provide efficient, logical, and attractive transportation systems that fit the needs of your organization.

Clubhouse Trailers product and design philosophy is predicated on a culture of innovation and out-of- the-box thinking, which is a natural extension of the methods used by the successful marching programs we support. With the creative use of the 4,500 cubic feet within a typical 53 foot Moving Van, Clubhouse Trailers has found ways to create innovative solutions to problems plaguing most marching programs, the most critical one being the safe, effective, and efficient use of all available space. We have determined ways to maximize the available square footage based on the unique needs of each marching program, its directors and staff, the performers, and the parents, all while maintaining a sleek and polished exterior set-off with subtle design elements that flow together seamlessly.

Low Voltage, High-Efficiency LED Lighting inside and outside the trailers provide safe loading and unloading, and use throughout an entire competition weekend. 

LED Lighting and Solar Panel Powered in Marching Band Semi Trailer Interior



Here are some of the products we offer (clickable links):

Our Trailers come in two base configurations:

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Traditional Layout

Our traditional layout has a full height upper deck. This allows easy flow from side entry door, into the uniform area, up the stairs to the upper deck, then down the stairs to the lower deck at the rear of the trailer, and then down the ramp outside.

In this layout the lower floor is used for transport of all rolling Front Ensemble equipment.  The upper deck is typically an open floor plan used for transport of all field percussion and larger wind and brass instruments such as Tubas and Sousaphones. Custom carpeted and drop-down shelving is also available.

Traditional Layout for Band Semi Trailer Interior20160923_150534Clubhouse Trailers signature 2nd Floor for marching instruments

Mesquite High Band Semi Trailer Traditional Interior Layout


Rack & Roll

The Rack & Roll System is designed to have rolling pit equipment on the upper deck. A full width Hydraulic ramp and half ramp to the 2nd floor allows enough room on the lower deck for rolling storage cubes to house marching instruments.

Rack & Roll layout in Killeen Band TrailersEllison High Band Semi Trailer Rack & Roll Interior Layout


Killeen Students Exploring the interior upper deck of their semi trailerHydraulic Ramp on Semi Trailer Extended


We can also provide Hydraulic ramps with our traditional layout, such as seen in North Mesquite’s Trailer.

North Mesquite Band Semi Trailer Full Hydraulic Rear RampTraditional Layout of North Mesquite Trailer with Hydraulic Interior Ramps

To learn more about these features, contact us!

To see other product offerings, click here.