All Pictures Clubhouse Products

Guard Drawers

These belly box drawers are full length drawers, and each can hold up to 25 full guard bags.

Color Guard Flag and Rifle Storage in High School Semi Trailer Bellybox Storage Drawers

Storage Solution for High School Color Guard. These 8ft boxes hold around 25 bags.

These color guard drawers house around 25 bags, and are 8ft deep to house rifles, sabres, and flags!

Color Guard Drawers for Marching Band Semi Trailers North Mesquite High School Bellybox Storage Drawers

These guard drawers are four feet deep and eight feet long, and have the same capacity as the 8ft deep models.

Color Guard Flag Storage Drawers for Marching Band Semi Trailers

Color Guard Flag Storage Drawers for Marching Band Semi Trailers

Color Guard Flag Storage Drawers for Marching Band Semi Trailers

McKinney Boyd High School Marching Band Semi Trailer Color Guard Flag Storage Drawers Bellybox

McKinney Boyd High School Marching Band Semi Trailer Color Guard Flag Storage Drawers Bellybox