Lemoore High School Band

In Lemoore, California

Trailer: Clubhouse-Spec 40′ Gooseneck STS

  • Tridem axle, 7k axles
  • 9 foot interior height
  • Tapered V-nose
  • Carpeted First Floor
  • 48″ RV Style Side Door
  • Floor-Mounted D-Rings
  • 3 rows horizontal E-track

Trailer: Clubhouse-Spec 32′ Bumper Pull STS

  • Tridem axle, 7k axles
  • 9 foot interior height
  • Tapered V-nose
  • Carpeted Floor
  • 5×8′ V-Nose Ramp Door
  • Floor-Mounted D-Rings
  • 3 rows horizontal E-track

Exterior Color: Black

Graphics: Clubhouse-Printed & Installed

Interior Layout:  Traditional STS

2nd Floor Length: 16 feet starting past side door (Gooseneck only)

Shelving: 3x Standard Instrument Shelving & Custom Drum Wall Storage

20′ Awning (Gooseneck Only)

Uniform Racks (Bumper Pull Only)

The Lemoore High School Band built their two Clubhouse Trailers in 2024. These builds are considered a Small Trailer Solutions, Gooseneck and Bumper Pull with Awnings and Uniform Racks. 

(Gooseneck) Entering from the rear, you are greeted by the 16 foot long 2nd floor. Both floors are carpeted, and 8 floor mounted d-rings. The ship’s ladder in blue allows easy access to the 2nd floor for loading and unloading without taking up floor space. 

(Gooseneck) Looking into the nose of the trailer, Dedicated drumline storage is customized for Franklin’s specific cases, and built with their drumline size in mind. An additional ship’s ladder is mounted to the bulkhead to make access into the nose simple. 

On the 2nd floor, more customized drumline storage along the street side, with standard shelves taking up the curbside wall. 

The Bumper Pull Trailer was built with props in mind, so the interior was largely left open for maximum flexibility. Slotted & numbered uniform racks allow for storage for 192 uniforms. Additional loading is available from the front via the v-nose ramp door. Interior and exterior lighting provides ample coverage for those late nights, with the 2 on board deep-cycle AGM batteries and 100watts of roof-mounted solar panels keep the trailer running all contest long with no noisy generator. 

The gooseneck trailer was equipped with a 20′ black Carefree Awning along the passenger side, giving more sun and rain protection.